Our Curriculum for Each Year Group

Below you can find documents outlining our curriculum for each year group.  These documents are revised as the year progresses and the curriculum developed and adapted.  The documents also give some information about how are curriculum is taught and the philosophy behind it.

You can also find links to the revised National Curriculum, the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education which form the basis of our planning.

If you want to find out more about our curriculum then the best person to ask is your child's class teacher.

Reading Schemes and Phonic Schemes in St Matthew's
We use a range of resources to teach reading and phonics in St Matthew's.  Our reading scheme, linking with our teaching of phonics, is "Monster Phonics".  This is used primarily in Early Years and Key Stage One, though we will of course continue using it for those children who need additional teaching to make their early reading skills and phonics secure.
Links to:
Further Information
If you are a parent and would like to receive more information about our curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher.
For other enquiries about our curriculum, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff.